Guess Her Age Challenge

years old.

How old does she look?

Guess Her Age Quiz

Guess My Age has been around since 2005 letting you guess men and women’s ages. Recently we added our Guess Her Age and Guess His Age challenge sections. Our nearly impossible Guess Her Age challenge is an addictive age guessing quiz. Guess Her Age will only let you guess the age of women’s photos.

Guess Her Age works the same as our other games. A photo will show, try and guess their age, type your guess in the box and click ‘guess’. Next the answer will show - how well can you do? Try again to hone your age guessing ability.

Once you’ve mastered our Guess Her Age quiz try and complete the Guess His Age Challenge too. Play Guess My Age our orginal how old game for a mix of men and women's photos. Which is more difficult?